Tuesday 26 August 2008

New Favourite Song

Ok, check this out.

I found this song on the iLIKE box of a friend of a friend of a friend's facebook profile (its worrying, yes)

I think this song is genius because these kids actually managed to merge African music and Indie and despite the potential Tragedies that could have occured, it actually sounds great....

.....I think this is going to take over 'Lights Out' as my new favourite song for now

Also, I did that thing I do whenever I find a song I like which is go through most of their discography and see if there are any of their other songs I like.......unfortunately, I only liked 1 other tracks (A Punk).


I wish i never watched the video because in my imagination, they were some aloof looking dudes with musical instruments and occasional jerky dance movements (like the ones Pharrell does when he's 'singing'; while we're on the subject, the sexiness of that man is not even fair!).

On watching the video I discovered that a) They are NOT aloof, Gaylord is probably a much
Better adjective (I still like them though)
b)No jerky dances. Just Gaylord walky bits
c) I didn't like the whole rich kid crackhead vibe I was
getting. Especially from the main chick. She has
potential to be cast as the lovechild of Amy
Winehouse and Carlton Banks.

Another fine example of video killing the radio. I still like the song though. However, there was no need for the whole gay 'concept' of the video. It remonds me of those daydreams Doug Funnie used to have in the cartoon. Also, why are these kids so willowy? You know they got the hell beaten out of them in high school right?